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Your support and contributions enable us to meet our musical goals. Donations are tax deductible. HCCB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. IRS Section 170, 2055, 2106 and 2522. EIN: 83-2931600
Director's Circle - $1000 & Above
*Anonymous $5000 towards a new trailer
*Anonymous (5)
*Craig & Sandy Wood
Reynolds Farm Equipment
Golden Baton ($500 - $999)
Anonymous (3)
Maestro ($200 - $499)
*Arrowood Family
Cicero Friends of the Park
*Kathy Li
*Brian & Kelly Wuerch
Lily Foundation
Benefactor ($100 - $199)
*Argo Family
*Bill Bowes
*David Bechtel
Chuck & Jeanie Cunnyngham
*Stephen Foster
*Carol & Steve Griffith
Donna & Carl Holl
*Susan & Carl Hungerford
Beth Montag
*David Stowers
*Dianna Tetrick
*Marc Walter
Patron ($50 - $99)
Arnett & Vicki Cooper
David Day
*Marc Feeney
Maria Jones
*Todd Lamkin
Ross McKenna
*Linda Mitchell-Powell
James & Mary Gordon
Friends ($5 - $49)
Melvin & Norma Minion
*Reagan Ringvelski
Additional Sponsors
Jane and Joe Poio - Music Donation/Guest Conductor Funding/Commission
The Edge Golf Course - Rehearsal Space
Noblesville High School - Rehearsal Space
Hamilton Heights School Corporation - Rehearsal Space
Scouts Camp Belzer / Cushman Family American Flag/Pole
Paige's Music - Music Folders
JW Pepper - Music Filing Boxes
In Memory of Joe Poio
*Don & Nancy Cushman
Mark Volk Reality
Karen Sheely
Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Mu
David Holscher
*Brian & Kelly Wuerch
* Band Member
Full page ad in all band concert programs
Name announced at all band concert programs
Name listed on website
½ page ad in all band concert programs
Name announced at all band concert programs
Name listed on website
¼ page ad in all band concert programs
Name announced at all band concert programs
Name listed on website
Name in band concert programs
Name listed on website
Name in band concert programs
Name listed on website
Name in band concert programs
Name listed on website
We appreciate your support!
Donations are tax deductible. HCCB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
IRS Section 170, 2055, 2106 and 2522. EIN: 83-2931600
Hamilton County Community Band
6340 East 266th Street, Arcadia, IN 46030, US